Switching from Piano to Violin

Is that a good idea?  I mean, pianists sometimes get stuck not being performers but professors who record sometimes, unless you’re super advanced.  Violinists seem not to get many significant roles, tho I am used to singing in choir, with not many solos nor noticeable parts.  Chamber music is not always as cool as orchestral music.  I think I’ll do it, anyway, but I don’t know if it’s good considering I did piano yet don’t care, as it seems okay; my age might not be good, but it might not be too late.  I may not be as virtuoso as other violinists, but oh well.  I might be some asset  in some way to an orchestra.  I used to do singing, but that’s a whole ‘nother (another) ballgame; musical theater accounts for much of the non-operatic music of the day.  I like music, but it seems awkward.  I do like accompanying, like I did on piano, for performances but not like as a resident accompanist, like at a college etc.  It’s fun to do musicals, but I prefer to do classical music.  I don’t mind the idea of being in an orchestra.  I bet people will wonder, tho.  I tried being in one, and it was a good experience.  I mean, are people all awkward about orchestral instruments … they are harder than playing one note at a time on piano and produce a cool, unique, and individual  sound.  You could play solo, but I suppose that doesn’t happen much with the best music of the orchestra, anyway.  I know, some instruments aren’t as popular and more unique.  They might get heard more as an individual as opposed to violin.  I guess my logic tells me some of the interesting music wouldn’t just be concertos and symphonic music nor chamber music which seems to cloud over itself and each other … but like a variety of projects wherein people get heard in different ways.  However, I think it’s more of a group effort, which sounds cool yet something I’m not really used to other than singing in a choir, was quiet growing up.  It was fun.  I’m more interested in the classical music, not various other things.

Let’s think … I really do like music.  Not sure what else would seem better, but I do like to achieve and perform.  I did like the bells (xylophone.)  I know they get more star roles.  I’m used to making group performance fun, so I guess on that note, I should stay.

I heard to get in an orchestra you need a masters at a good school with a good teacher.  I am curious about people who get heard more, too, like in chamber music or the ones who make it to concertos.  It’s interesting, even if I can’t do it.  I mean, there’s not much on Music Choice, for instance.  Like I said, orchestral music is fun for people who were child prodigies, I guess.

I mean people act like everyone grows up with a fair shot at “being the soloist.”  I feel that I will be out of place, even if I could have fun.  I am mainly worried about me liking the classical orchestra and not making it in anything as an individual.  I do expect to be one of the first chairs as opposed to last but not the concert master.  I am worried about how I would blend with the younger musicians who’ve played longer.  I know music still, but it’s not the same.  I started violin later.  Maybe, no one will find me impressive.  Also, there are older musicians who will probably parent the people who are younger than me and I’ll be left out as a person.  I wonder if I should do 2 things, but I also want to learn German.  Like, major in violin and double minor in something else, tho I am at a community college since I am still a beginner in violin, for now.  My old school said you could even do Pre-Med and get a BM.  I want a Masters at a good conservatory in violin, were I to get my wish.  I may not be too bad at music, but I started violin late.

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